Bujo: My October Monthly Spread

Hey, all you lovely people! So, I decided to jump on the bullet journal (bujo) bandwagon and post my monthly/weekly/daily spreads. I’ve tried bullet journaling before, but I never really took the time to make it “pretty” – just purely functional.

However, I am still fairly new in the bullet journaling community. “How new?”, you ask. Well,

I just found out yesterday that “bujo” is short for bullet journal. I thought “bujo” was some sort of cutesy bullet journaling style.

It’s okay to laugh – I laughed at myself for 5 minutes straight at the sudden realization of this. So go ahead.


As a theme, I decided to go with the whole “autumn vibes/colors” for October [I know, groundbreaking and original], and I plan on making the weekly spreads in a couple of days.

“Every now and again,

trace back your


-S.C. Lourie

Without further ado, here are a couple of pictures of my spread for the month of October:

What do you think? Not too shabby if I do say so myself. I am actually weirdly proud of how it turned out even though it’s not half as impressive as the dozen of bujos I see on instagram… but I am happy with mine nonetheless!

Let me know if you are new [or a pro] in the bullet journal community! And, if you want a chance to be featured in my blog or instagram, tag me on my IG @nocturnalblogger ! I love seeing any and all bujo spreads.

And of course, once again, my many thanks to you for reading my blog 🤎

~Nocturnal Blogger 🤎

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